Business Strategy Assessment
One of the best ways to learn how to work with others in a group is in a project that lasts a few months and has multiple deliverables.
Multi-Session Group Projects – These projects are designed to simulate real world knowledge work activities that depend upon the cooperate activities of many individuals to produce a quality product. The goal is to demonstrate that working with others in a well-designed and effectively led dynamic groups setting produces a product that exceeds what any one person can do (a win-win synergetic result) rather than an outcome of lower quality that the best individual performers could produce on their own, as is often perceived to be the experience in class projects. This project involves knowledge work that includes independent research by team members.This project involves knowledge work that includes independent research by team members.
Project Numbers
Distinct Events of various types are measured at different critical points in the project to provide early and specific feedback to team members targeted at improve the groups collective performance.
Data records created for analysis and feedback reporting
Data records per user allowing for anonymous feedback