Explore Your Dashboard
Know how your dashboard, menu items, daily insights and notifications work. The dashboard will show you daily notifications for upcoming events and tasks. ​​Track your daily events and see personalized insights for the day based on your feedback.
The Notifications Tab is located on the top right. This tab will update you and notify you about the events that need user action
You can view your upcoming events on the bottom section of the dashboard
On the bottom of every screen, you will be able to view the navigation menu where you will be able to create events, adjust your account, join projects, view insights and review your feedback.
Create Your Own Event
Upgrade your plan for free to access event creation feature.​ Provide project name, event description, event type, participants' list and feedback duration to save the event and allow participants to receive and get feedback from peers.
Navigate to the Events Tab on the navigation menu
Click on Create New Event
On the Details tab, you will be able to add a name for the event, date, location, event start-end time and feedback duration
On this screen, you will be able to link the project that the event is associated with, provide event type and event description
On the Participants Tab, you can adjust event participants and their specific roles
Note: You will only be able to create an event if you have a registered account through the Forward Impact Website.
Get Feedback & Explore Insights
Get to know how your team felt about the overall accomplishments of the event and how you helped them succeed. ​Visualize feedback details in a chart form to understand your team's thoughts about the event.​ Know your strengths and get insights specific to the feedback. The Forward Insight Platform is designed to strengthen your weaknesses and keep a check on your overall progress.
Go to Dashboard
Click on the event you attended
On the “My Feedback Tab” you will be able to visually see your feedback through different graphics
Click on the Details Tab for further explanations
Click on the Insights Tab for resources that would help you succeed in future
Give Feedback for an Event
Provide feedback to your team as a whole as well as individual team members and assess how they helped you perform better.​ The feedback is mapped to codes that are displayed right at the top of your screen. You can also choose top 3 contributors to your event. Here's how you can do it.
Go to Dashboard
Click on the event you attended
Select a participant
Provide feedback on how much their participation helped you and go back to the “Give Feedback Menu”
Repeat the steps above for all of the participants listed
Complete the Team Survey and go back to the “Give Feedback Menu”
Select Top Contributors for this event (You are only allowed to select 3) and go back to the “Give Feedback Menu”
Go back to Dashboard
Explore Account Management - Help
Forward Impact Platform is committed to sticking by you through your professional career. That is why our platform gives you the ability to edit your personal data as well as your institutions as they evolve through time. You can use multiple institutions simultaneously for an enhanced experience, Here's how you can manage your account.
Go to Dashboard
Click on the Hamburger Menu
Edit Account: gives you the ability to modify any personal information
Edit Institution: gives you the ability to add or change institutions, as you can participate in multiple institutions at the same time.
Logout option is available
Help option is available to answer any queries
Explore Feedback History
Review and analyze your performance throughout different lenses and perspectives. Forward Impact Platform allows you to create reports with a variety of filters and decisions so that you can visualize all the data you need without having to scroll through all of your feedback histories.
Go to Dashboard
Click on the Hamburger Menu
Click Feedback History
Select desired Date Range
You will have the option to add a project, show archived projects and hide archived projects
You must select the teams you desire to visualize in this report
You must select an Event Type for your feedback report
Finally, add Role Types for further filtering
Click Run Report